• 执行理念

    Executive Principle

    • 法律服务的价值在于提高客户的控制能力,提升客户在交易过程中影响对手的能力和可谈判的筹码,促成交易的达成,实现共赢。

    • 法律服务要为客户创造价值,既要站在客户的角度处理法律问题,又要站在相对方的角度分析法律问题。

    • 法律服务的方向立足于客户的目的,客户的目的决定于客户的盈利模式。了解客户的盈利模式和商业模式才能更好的为客户提供具有针对性的法律服务。

    • 法律服务的最终目标是实现风险和收益的平衡。律师的目的是控制风险,客户的目标是实现盈利,法律服务于客户,其内容就是在收益与风险之间寻找最优解。

    • The value of our legal services is to improve client’s control ability, enhance the ability of clients to influence opponents in the transaction and negotiation process, promote the achievement of transaction and realize a win-win situation.

    • The purpose of our legal services is to create value for clients, not only dealing with legal issues form the perspective of clients, but also analyzing legal problems from the opponent’s view.

    • The direction of our legal services is based on the purpose of clients. The purpose of client is determined by their profit model. In this respect, understanding profit model and business model of the client makes us to better provide targeted legal services.

    • The ultimate objective is to realize a balance of risks and benefits. The purpose of the lawyer is to control the risk, and the purpose of the client is to achieve profitability. The law serves the client, the content of which is to find the best solution between the benefit and risk.